I've learned a lot about humans but I'm even more confused. They are actually far more complicated that I thought. It seems that the will of their mind controls the body, but the body controls the mind. I can make you a schema but I doubt it will be of any help:

For example, when a human sees an apple, he can decide whether to eat it or not. So the will controls the body, in a fashion. Then again, if the body is hungry, it can make the mind want to eat. So the body controls the mind, in a fashion.
The example with the apple was not chosen randomly: It seems that all this mess started with two humans eating an apple. The mess is generally called "free will", and the Enemy pretends that humans are freer than demons or angels - but I wonder what the fact of being bound by the whimsies of a body has to do with freedom.
According to our teacher, the fact that the vody can influence what the mind wants has a purpose - it guarantees the survival of the humans as a species. Those "suggestions" from the body are generally all about eating, drinking, procreating and other animalic actions. But more important - for us - is the fact that this mecanism is one of the most important ways to tempt a human. Invoking the thought of a female breast, a cold drink or a donut with sugar frosting is often a way more efficient tool than any malicious thoughts about revenge, crushed rivals or world domination.
I can't wait to try it out...
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