My first day in Temptation was rather confusing. They put me into a crash course in anthropology, together with other newbies - twelve hours of class about humans, with a crabby teacher who doesn't like newbies.

Wors is, I still don't know what those humans are. Mister Naruk, the teacher, says they are somewhere between animals and spirits. I've no idea how this is possible. Maybe the body is like a vehicle, the spirit controls it, walks around, eats, procreates and so on. But Mr. Naruk also mentioned "human instincts", and that confuses me. When the spirit is in control of the body, it is not controlled by instincts, so instincts are superfluous. And if the instincts are in control of the body, the spirit is only a passenger, which would be strange.
Maybe my questions will be answered tomorrow.
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