We won't be sent to Earth before next week, for "adminiatrative reasons" - I'm not surprised, infernal bureaucracy is slow.
Today we had "political instruction". Our instructor is a hardliner, she made it clear from the beginning that she won't tolerate any "heresy", which may design pretty much anything from speaking a forbidden word to showing signs of tiredness. Then she spoke for about six hours about humans and their "inherent inferiority to all true spiritual beings". To illustrate her point, she brought a human soul in a jar and passed it around - a pathetic, miserable being, frighened and shivering in its glass prison:

But I admit that I was a bit decieved. It was the first time I've seen a real soul - in accounting, souls are only numbers on paper. So those are the humans this fuzz is all about - the temptation department, the soul accounting, the R&D, all this infernal administration? Those are the creatures whose eternal pain and terror, exploited in industrial scale torture centers, give us demons our vital energy? And are they really so difficult to catch, up there, on earth?
And the most intriguing question of all: Why makes the Enemy all those efforts to "save" them from hell? It seems that "he" does not use torture. "He" pretends he "loves" them, but this is of course nonsense, there must be another reason. "Love" does not exist, this is one of the fundamental dogmae of Hell. Everybody serves his own interests - how could it be otherwise? But if "he" doesn't love them and does not torture them, what are His intentions? Current ideology says that He only wants to harm us, but is this true?
Of course, those are dangerous thoughts. I better not doubt infernal ideology, if I don't want to get into trouble with Inquisition...
For a better understanding of a love for something, think of it as the opposite of this "enemy" you describe.