Sunday, September 6, 2009

Chapter 21: On the word "Thanks"

Where we learn what gratitude actually is.

I think I got it how this gratitude mecanism works. Remember the exchange "Favour against gratitude" ?

After observing many humans doing this kind of exchange, I think I figured it out what gratitude is.It's kind of a currency that has only value between these two humans. Think of it as kind of Favour Voucher:                   

The "1000 Thx" part may actually be misleading: Gratitude has a precise value, a person has usually a very clear idea how much favours he owns another person or vice versa. However, he does not associate any numerical value to it. It's like temperature before invention of the thermometer.
But how do people agree on the amount of gratitude? Well, the gratitude is transmitted by a symbolic expression, usually a variation of the sentence "Thank you". The way this sentence is said gives a hint on the quantity of gratitude - a murmured "Thanx" has not the same "value" as an enthousiastic "Oh thank you so much, you really really helped me!"
People who know each other well often use those vouchers, strangers use rather money. I'm not sure why humans don't use money all the time, it seems much clearer to me and is furthermore transferable. 
This favour-against-gratitude trade has actually an emotional side-effect: The giver of the gratitude feels often bad - something between guilt, humiliation and inferiority - and the receiver feels often good. Those feelings come actually not from the Unconsciousness thingy, but from the Annoying Niggler. Sounds familiar? Indeed: The gratitude tranders. When you know about those feelings, the gratitude sale business I wrote about actually makes sense: What the clients want is actually not the gratitude voucher itself - they will probably never use it - but the good feelings that come with. In other words: When giving money to a beggar (that's how humans call gratitude traders), the client buys himself a happy Niggler.

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