Saturday, September 12, 2009

Intermezzo: Map of Hell

My summons is tomorrow. I'm too nervous to do any research on Earth, let alone to write about it, so I'll post you a map of Hell, more detailed than the one on the right border, like the "you are here" maps you see everywhere down here:
Black zones are souls areas, red is administration, green is Inquisition. Departments are usually located in one circle, except "Souls Administration" which has its HQ in 4th, but also a "Local Souls Office" in each circle from 2nd downwards. The LSOs administrate the souls tortured in the different circles, according to their sins. I, for example, worked in LSO of 2nd before becoming a tempter.
You also see various security barriers: Thwo rivers (Acheron and Styx), a security wall, an abyss, and the giant security guards which protect the executive office. I've never been below the Styx, so this will be a premiere tomorrow.  Wish me luck...

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