Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Chapter 24: On trouble

In which I get a letter from Inquisition.

Bad news: I've just received a summons to Sixth Circle. The letter informs me that a legal proceeding has been started against me and that I am to appear in C6, room 298812, on next Judasday. It's signed with the most dreaded symbol in Hell, the Sigillium Inquisitionis:

I've never been this deep in hell, and honestly, I don't really feel like this. Especially the Sixth Circle. For those who don't know: The Sixth Circle is the domicile of the Political Office, the inquisitional institution which chases heretics - anyone who deviates from the ideology of hell, by speaking, writing, acting or even thinking. Hell does not tolerate deviationists.

I've no idea what I'm accused of. The letter says "Fraternization with Humans" but I didn't fraternize with anyone in Strasbourg, I did nothing else but staying in the shadow and observing. Maybe it's something I wrote here on this blog? I don't know.

Anyway, I'm in serious trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Beware. Your blog is being watched by the PO.

    A friend
